Pizza Seminar
Speaker: Serge Randriambololona (Western)
Title: What if we had infinitely many fingers to count on ?
Time: 17:30 PM, Tuesday February 9; Room: MC 107
Natural numbers encompasses at least two way of counting. The first one tells how many objects a collection has: there are 84 students in the class, 4 apples in my lunch box or 223,647,852 inhabitants in Indonesia. In the second way of counting, we care for the position of an event in a sequence of events: the final exam will be the 106th day of the academic year, "trois" is the name of the numeral that comes after "deux" in French and the 8,000,000,000th human birth has already happened. As far as we only consider finite collections, these two notions of counting lead to the same arithmetic. But when we try to generalize them to infinite collections, surprising phenomena appear.
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